Useful WordPress Plugins

I recommend some of these:

Log into your dashboard
On the left, click plugins.
On the left again, under plugins click “add new”

Then search for the name of any of these.

All in One SEO Pack
Has more than I use so far.
I need to remember to override the meta description.
And a warning – its possible two SEO packs is not a good idea.
Right now I have two meta descriptions on every page.

Only grab this if you have an amazon account
You can promote specific items or let amazon figure out what to put.

CNN News
Adds news to your site.

Easy AdSense
Can place ads easily with this one

Fast and Secure Contact Form
If you want a contact form, other than comments – this might be a good idea.
I haven’t tested it.

Global Translator
Lets everyone read your garbage

Google News
Adds other news to your site, if you like news.

MEMEdex Polls
Does a basic poll.

Page Flip Image Gallery
This is sweet.

PRO Player
Its an FLV player, and it works. I can’t complain.
Skip this unless you want to embed your own hosted videos.

SEO Smart Links
I think this is more automatic than the other SEO tool.

Simply RSS Fetcher
This is always entertaining. You can tune in to someone’s twitter account and broadcast their twits.
Or a website’s rss feeds (sales, events, etc).

StatPress Reloaded
I like this stat program.
There is no sign up with a 3rd party.

Twitter Hash Tag Widget
This is basically a rss reader limited to twitter hash tags.
Whatever that is – discussion/spam group?

Nice gallery plugin.

WP Ajax Edit Comments
This lets people who have recently made a comment edit for up to 5 minutes afterward.

WP Captcha Free
This apparently is a spam catcher that doesn’t get in anything’s way.

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