Cenk Uygur’s assumptions

Last month, Cenk Uygur posted “Why Rahm was 100% Wrong” on huffiingtonpost.com

The Rahm Emanuel strategy was to cut deals with power brokers in Washington and ignore what liberals wanted. This was best illustrated when he called liberals “fucking retarded” for trying to push for real change. His attitude was that you could ignore progressive demands because — where could they go?!

Cenk seems like a conservative here, with his tendency to use mind-reading skills.
– The Rahm Emanuel strategy was to cut deals with power brokers in Washington and ignore what liberals wanted
ASSUMPTION – and what does Cenk use as support for that assumption?
“This was best illustrated when he called liberals “fucking retarded” for trying to push for real change.”

What do we know about that incident?
“Some attendees said they were planning to air ads attacking conservative Democrats who were balking at Mr. Obama’s health-care overhaul.”
Sounds like they may have indeed been fucking retarded to me.
Who got health reform passed? Oh, yeah – right. Rahm did.
Not Cenk.

Cenk finishes up that first beckian paragraph with “His attitude was that you could ignore progressive demands because — where could they go?!”
Another mighty mind-reading assumption.
Sounds like Rahm hurt Cenk’s feelings at some point.

Cenk does briefly touch reality with this “Democrats are basically tied with the Republicans on registered voters. But they get clobbered on likely voters.”
But then he decides to push his narrative, warming us up with:
“Why? Because voters who are disillusioned aren’t likely to vote.”

And here it comes:

Why are they disillusioned Rahm might ask when we gave them health care reform and financial reform? The answer is because they’re not nearly as dumb as you think they are. You think you can just call something reform and people are going to buy it? That’s not going to fly, especially in the new media age.

Cenk apparently has no idea what health reform is.
Who’s fault is this?
Not congress. Not the president.
Cenk, this is your fault for unabashedly pushing your narrative.
You don’t even say what your idea of “reform” is, though we know congress and the president apparently didn’t deliver on whatever mystery “reform” Cenk desires.

He continues…
“We all know that Obama struck the same exact deals with the big drug companies that Bush did. ”
Um, no. Did bush get 80 billion from big Pharma?
Bush passed a 700 billion dollar expansion of medicare, largely letting Pharma set prices without competition.
Not even remotely comparable.

And Cenk continues pushing the same narrative.
“And those games have now left the Democrats with a gigantic deficit in voter enthusiasm. ”

No, Cenk.
People are being lied to.
People believe Palin’s “death panel” lie – a republican amendment which didn’t end up part of reform.
People think Obama tripled the deficit, which is laughably false.
People think healthcare is something “we can’t afford”, when we pay LESS with it.

Address those lies, and you are helping.
This trash you wrote?
You might as well be Jane Hamsher.

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