Weiner lets the GOP have it

Straight to the point. Bravo Anthony. Anthony Weiner has been one of the best-spoken advocates of the public option.

Embrace Life – Wear your seatbelt

A public service announcement. Watch. The music was composed for this commercial by Siddhartha Barnhoorn, who has a website here: http://www.sidbarnhoorn.com/

Its a Trap!

After republicans were schooled by Obama’s use of facts recently, they are nervous about going on TV again with him. Stewart: The Daily Show With […]

SNL: An apology from Rahm Emanuel

Recently it came out that the president’s chief of staff called some progressive democrats “fucking retarded”. Sarah Palin took offense to that, calling for Rahm’s […]

Its taken a year

But some in the media are finally paying attention to the deficit lies being spread on their shows. Here’s CNN’s Rick Sanchez (Sanchez is better […]

Reaction to the state of the union

And the president’s Q&A session with house republicans. I’ve intentionally skipped any fox or republican reactions – too predictable. Here’s stewart and colbert. The Daily […]