The President

Obama followed up his outstanding state of the union with a question and answers session with house republicans. Visit for breaking news, world news, […]

Understanding the deficit pt: 13

The Center for american progress breaks down the budget. Today, James Inhofe, crack addict of Oklahoma (is Oklahoma the stupidest place on the planet?) claimed […]

Rachel Maddow catches what Ed has

Ed Schultz has a hard-on for the term ‘public-option’. Tonight Rachel showcased her dislike of the term “spending freeze”, without being able to notice that […]

Pippin’s Song

This minute section of the 3rd movie was one of my favorite scenes. Apparently, the song was put together almost last minute by the actor […]

Outlaw Global Warming?

Great idea! If only the planet would play along. Bah-dump-bump. Actually this is a reference to a post at thinkprogress, entitled “After hottest decade in […]